Cloud Solutions

What is the Cloud?

Onedrive, iCloud, Google Drive.. there’s a storm of service providers in the wild, but do you want your private data available to the big three?

There’s no denying the fact that the cloud is gaining popularity, not only does it provide incredible cost savings, it also creates an “anytime, anywhere” work environment, empowering an organization with flexible solutions and increased speed to market. Our cloud solution is based on open source muture industrial leading technology, Services Platform which is hosted in a fully secured data centre that provides accessibility to your core IT infrastructure. As your business grows, it’s essential that your infrastructure is scaleable to fit your needs.

Why Utilize the Cloud?

Cloud services can be accessed from any device, anywhere, anytime.

Dramatically lowers or eliminates capital expenses while providing a more predictable monthly operating expense

Improved speed to market and greater business agility because cloud services can scale up or down based on your demand and requirements.

IT resources can now match actual needs instead of managing excess infrastructure for peak demand levels.

Increases productivity through ease of IT management and improved application and data accessibility.

Business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities.

What Cloud Solutions are Available?

Software as a Service (SaaS) allows software and the accompanying data to be centrally hosted on the cloud and accessed by users securely through any available internet connection. Like to travel but keep up to date with your business? SaaS will work the best for you.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allows you to have computers, storage devices and networking resources available on a pay-per-consumption basis by accessing them through your local internet connection. Don’t want to have the headache of updating your hardware every few years? IaaS will take care of that for you.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) allows you to have an application or service that is constantly maintained and updated but still stable and usable for your business. This can include both operating systems and applications, rolling IaaS and SaaS into one amazing solution.

Public Cloud storage is an internet site that you allow unrestricted access to a set of files that you upload, manage and maintain. It’s like your own personal Dropbox!

Private Cloud storage allows you to manage a shared centralized space for files and documents that you upload, manage and maintain. As long as your users have a username and password they’ll be able to access it from any internet connection in the world.

Hybrid Cloud is a mixture of both Public and Private clouds rolled into one service, both your customers and employees can access the same cloud with different levels of access, host your company documents securely on the same cloud service by managing who can and can’t access them!